Friday, July 29, 2016

National Seminar on Prabuddha Bharat: Understanding Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the Passage of Time | 26-27 August | Kolkata

National Seminar on Prabuddha Bharat: Understanding Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the Passage of Time 
26-27 August, 2016

The Asiatic Society, Kolkata, is organizing a National Seminar on Prabuddha Bharat: Understanding Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the Passage of Time on 26-27 August, 2016 to discuss various aspects of Prabuddha Bharat (to borrow a term from another visionary of India) from Ambedkar's ideas and dreams, and test them in the light of passage of time in society, politics, literature and above all history. Interested persons willing to participate in the seminar are requested to register their names by writing to Professor Arun Bandopadhyay, the Coordinator of the seminar, to within 20 August 2016.

Call for Applications: Fung Global Fellows Program 2017-18

Call for Applications: Fung Global Fellows Program 2017-18

The Fung Global Fellows Program is administered by the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies'

About the Program
Each year, the Fung Global Fellows Program will select six scholars from around the world to be in residence at Princeton for one academic year and to engage in research, writing, and collaboration around a common theme. The program includes a public seminar series where the fellows will present their work to the University community. Fellowships will be awarded through a competitive application process to scholars employed outside the United States who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement, exhibit unusual intellectual promise, and are still early in their careers. 
This program is supported by a gift from William Fung, group chairman of Li & Fung, a Hong Kong-based multinational group of export and retailing companies. Fung earned a BSE in electrical engineering from Princeton in 1970 and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business in 1972, and then began his career at the family firm. He joined Princeton's Board of Trustees in 2009, and has previously supported Princeton's groundbreaking financial aid program. "In this new age of globalization, Princeton should be even more involved in fostering scholarship everywhere it takes place," Fung said. "Through this gift, I hope to enable Princeton to become a stronger catalyst for developing new and exciting research and for creating international scholarly communities." 


2017-18: The Culture and Politics of Resentment

Resentment is a powerful emotion for expressing culture and politics. Experiences and memories of humiliation, oppression, and marginalization have stimulated emotions of resentment, and produced compelling demands for political inclusion and justice around the world. Alternatively, rage against what is seen as the "tyranny of the minority," inequality, the corruption and aloofness of elites, the "foreign," and the illegitimate have generated powerful populist upsurges against the perceived enemies of a homogeneous body of "the people."  The goal of the 2017-18 Fung Global Fellows cohort will be to explore the full range of phenomena involved in the culture and politics of resentment, the conditions that produce such sentiments, and the projects they advance.  We invite applications from scholars whose work addresses this topic in any historical period or region of the world and from any disciplinary background in the humanities and social sciences.  

Application deadline for the 2017-18 program is November 1, 2016see details.

Faculty Director: Gyan Prakash, Dayton-Stockton Professor of History.

Further Details:

CSIR-NISTADS Vitarka/Policy Debate on India's Current Agricultural Trade Policy is not Water Sustainable | 24th August | IIC New Delhi

Vitarka: A CSIR-NISTADS Outreach Programme for Inclusive Policy Debate

Topic: "India's Current Agricultural Trade Policy is not Water Sustainable"

Date: 24th August 2016 at 6:00 PM (Tea: 5:45 pm)

Venue: India International Center, Seminar Hall 1, New Delhi

NISTADS is planning a small group discussion comprising maximum 30 participants from various section of the society. Participation in Vitarka is by invitation based on direct invitation or selection from requests received through web registration. Kindly register on NISTADS website for participation by 20th August 2016. Email from NISTADS will be sent by 22nd August 2016 to the participants whose participation is confirmed.

About Vitarka
An active and inclusive public debate can make significant contribution to policy formulation and policy advocacy. CSIR National Institute for Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS) is launching a public discussion forum Vitarka. The primary goal of Vitarka is to engage the public in policy debate for techno-socio-economic transformation, especially through S&T intervention.
Vitarka is planned as an open environment platform for informed and participative discussion. Vitarka sessions will be organized at India International Centre (IIC).
CSIR-NISTADS invites public and all stakeholders for their views, contribution and participation in this techno-socio-economic developments initiative. Vitarka will greatly benefit from your contribution and participation. The topics planned under Vitarka can range from Clean Water, Carbon Taxes, Energy, GM Crops, and Stem Cell Research to Space Mission and Nuclear Policy.
Further Details
Dr. Mohammad Rais
Coordinator: Vitarka-NISTADS Outreach Programme (NOP)
CSIR-NISTADS, Pusa Gate, K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110012, India
T: +91-11-25843052 (office)
E: mohammad_rais[at]; rais[at]

Thursday, July 28, 2016

New Book | Grassroots Innovation Movements | by A Smith, M Fressoli, D Abrol, E Arond, & A Ely | Pathways to Sustainability book series

Grassroots Innovation Movements
by Adrian Smith, Mariano Fressoli, Dinesh Abrol, Elisa Arond, & Adrian Ely. Routledge , 2016, paperback, ISBN: 9781138901223.

About the Book
Innovation is increasingly invoked by policy elites and business leaders as vital for tackling global challenges like sustainable development. Often overlooked, however, is the fact that networks of community groups, activists, and researchers have been innovating grassroots solutions for social justice and environmental sustainability for decades. Unencumbered by disciplinary boundaries, policy silos, or institutional logics, these 'grassroots innovation movements' identify issues and questions neglected by formal science, technology and innovation organizations. Grassroots solutions arise in unconventional settings through unusual combinations of people, ideas and tools. This book examines six diverse grassroots innovation movements in India, South America and Europe, situating them in their particular dynamic historical contexts. Analysis explains why each movement frames innovation and development differently, resulting in a variety of strategies. The book explores the spaces where each of these movements have grown, or attempted to do so. It critically examines the pathways they have developed for grassroots innovation and the challenges and limitations confronting their approaches. With mounting pressure for social justice in an increasingly unequal world, policy makers are exploring how to foster more inclusive innovation. In this context grassroots experiences take on added significance. This book provides timely and relevant ideas, analysis and recommendations for activists, policy-makers, students and scholars interested in encounters between innovation, development and social movements. This book is part of the STEPS Centre's Pathways to Sustainability book series.

Table of Contents
Part 1: Overview
1. Introduction Download Chapter 1 
2. A Conceptual Framework for Studying GIMs
Part 2: The Cases 
3. Movement for Socially Useful Production
4. Appropriate Technology Movement
5. Peoples' Science Movements
6. Makerspaces, Hackerspaces and Fablabs
7. Social Technologies Network
8. Honey Bee Network
Part 3: Lessons
9. Grassroots Innovation Movements: Lessons for Theory and Practice
10. Conclusions: Constructing Pathways for Sustainability with the Grassroots

About the Authors
Adrian Smith is Professor of Technology and Society at the Science Policy Research Unit, and a researcher with the STEPS Centre (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability), University of Sussex, UK. Mariano Fressoliis assistant researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET, Argentina) and researcher at CENIT (Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación) and STEPS Latin America. Dinesh Abrolis Professor at the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi India, and a Visiting Faculty with the Transdisciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies at Jawarhalal Nehru University. He was previously a Chief Scientist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research's National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, India. Elisa Arond is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, USA, and is also affiliated with the STEPS Centre, University of Sussex, UK. Adrian Elyis Senior Lecturer at the Science Policy Research Unit and Deputy Director of the STEPS Centre (Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability), University of Sussex, UK.

VIF vacancies for the position of Research Associates & Senior Fellows

Research Associate

  • Research Associate (West Asia)
  • Research Associate (Iran)
  • Research Associate (Africa)
  • Research Associate (Central Asia)

Qualifications: M.Phil or M.A. degree with a minimum research experience of 2 - 3 years in research Institutions and Think Tanks will be preferred. Candidates who are pursuing their Ph.D may also apply.

Application to contain: 

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • List of Articles/Papers published

Compensation: Commensurate with ability and experience. Interested Candidates may send in their applications by email with the subject titled as "Application for the position of Research Associate ( Area: ………. .)" to info@vifindia.orgLast Date of Submission: 31st July 2016

Senior Fellow

  • Senior Fellow (West Asia)
  • Senior Fellow (Iran)
  • Senior Fellow (Japan)
  • Senior Fellow (Africa)
  • Senior Fellow (Central Asia)
  • Senior Fellow (Economic Studies)

Qualifications : PhD with a minimum Research experience of 7-8 years. Candidates with requisite research experience in research Institutions and Think Tanks will be preferred. Candidates who have completed the doctorate degree in the subject being applied for and have published peer reviewed work of high order will be preferred. Application to contain:

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • List of Articles/Papers/ Books published

Compensation: Commensurate with ability and experience. Interested Candidates may send in their applications by email with the subject titled as "Application for the position of Senior Fellow ( Area: ………. .)" to info@vifindia.orgLast Date of Submission: 31st July 2016.

Call for applications for PostDoc & JRF Positions in DST Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Fellowships Scheme, 2016

DST Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Fellowships 2016

Background and Motivation 
Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) are now recognized as playing a significant role in advancing human, social, and economic development and meeting the aspirations of people and nations across the world. As a result, understanding STI processes and exploring ways to strengthen them is a major strand of intellectual activity, evinced by the explosion of literature on these topics in the last decade. At the same time, there are significant efforts to link this understanding to better policy making by a range of governmental agencies (both in developed and emerging economies) and inter-governmental organizations. In recognition of importance and potential of STI in meeting India's developmental challenges through "acceleration of the pace of discovery and delivery of science-lead solutions for faster, sustainable and inclusive growth," the government launched the Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy in 2013. Department of Science and Technology (DST) recognized the importance of evidence-driven research and analysis in underpinning the effective achievement of the objectives of this policy and established DST Centers for Policy Research (CPRs) in various academic institutions across the country (Annexure-I). These centers are engaged in targeted research in number of key areas relevant to the country, train young scholars in STI policy research, and contribute towards better STI policy making by providing inputs to DST. The role of suitable human resources is key to the success of STI policy research enterprise, perhaps even more than many traditional areas of research since intellectual engagement with this area ideally requires both understanding of the STI domain and processes, as well as policy research skills that draw on various strands of social sciences. Thus individuals with a background in natural science, medicine engineering or social science with a background of STI policy research are particularly suited for such research and, if trained appropriately, can bring a unique and important perspective to impending issues in this arena. 

Fellowship Proposal
As the country is lagging behind in terms of critical mass and proper structure of policy research institution(s), on the recommendation of the Committee of Experts, Policy Research Cell of DST proposes to launch DST-STI Policy Fellowship Programme at doctoral and post-doctoral levels to generate a critical mass of policy researchers. The fellowship programme is initiated with the broad objective of (a) enhancing human resources that can engage with and contribute to the STI policy domain and (b) strengthen the knowledge base, think tank, and evidence based policy making. The fellowship may provide an opportunity to develop the skills for young scientists and engineers who are interested in engagement with the STI policy domain and/or as STI policy researchers. This programme aims to attract and encourage top-quality researchers to work on the issues pertaining to STI policy and contribute their knowledge and analytical skills in the policy realm. The fellowship will have following two components:
1. Postdoctoral Fellows
2. Junior Research Fellows

1. Postdoctoral Fellows: 
This first and primary track will be a 2-year fellowship (with a possible extension of one more year, depending upon performance) where the recipient would be located in a DST-CPR (by mutual agreement) to undertake STI policy research aligned to the research programme of that CPR. 
They also will build active linkages to a relevant government agency (either a scientific ministry or a line ministry with an S&T component), facilitated by DST itself and/or the DST CPR. The main objective of this track would be to build up the cadre of academic STI policy researchers in the country, with the hope that most of these Fellows may actively contribute in policy making in academia, research organizations, or even in government agencies. 
Eligibility: Science/medicine/engineering/social science (with a background of STI policy) academic scholars, STI policy researchers, with good academic record and holding a Ph.D. degree (within the last three years) are eligible to apply. 
Applicants must be capable of doing independent research work and have published at least 3 research papers in peer reviewed journals. At the time of application, applicant's age should be below 35 years. 
Application/Proposal: Applicants are required to submit following documents written in English: 
  1. Research Proposal: A proposal of maximum 5 pages on empirical research on STI policy issues, preferably, the issues pertaining to thematic areas of the candidates' desired DST-CPR. The proposal must include: a) a research title, b) a research objective, c) research background/ questions, d) research methodologies, and e) a research plan, including the evidence based outcome.
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Two recommendation letters
2. Junior Research Fellow: 
This second track will be three-year fellowship that could be extended by two years, depending up on the performance/progress of the work. These fellows will be either placed in a DST-CPR (by mutual agreement) or within relevant government agencies (with an STI dimension) to get hands-on experience in the policy domain. 
In either case, the fellows would work under the supervision of investigators at the DST-CPRs or policy makersin the government agency, depending on where they are placed (or under joint supervision). The main objective of this track would be to provide an opportunity to young scholars 
to get exposure in the policy-making domain with strong STI component. These Fellows could contribute to analysis and practice in STI policy area in non-profit organizations, think-tanks, or government agencies and eventually may take up doctorate degree. This cadre of young analysts would help to enrich STI policy-making system in the country, in spite of not having high-level academic research experience at this stage. 

Eligibility: Graduate students (B.E./B.Tech.or equivalent), Master's degree in natural science, medicine, engineering or social science with a background of STI policy research within the last two years. Applicants are required to provide a recommendation letter from their supervisors or advisors who may guarantee the quality of research  result. At the time of application age of the applicant should be less than 30 years.

Application/Proposal: Applicants are required to submit following documents written in English:
  1. Research Proposal A two-page write-up on STI policy issues, preferably, the issues pertaining to thematic areas of the candidates' desired DST-CPR. 
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Two recommendation letters.
Initially, it is proposed to start 5 fellowships in each track and then review after first year, for further expansion. The remuneration and terms and conditions will be guided as per applicable rules, of DST. The fellowship programme will be run by Policy Research Cell, DST. 
Selection/Support: The duly constituted Experts Committee will select candidates based on their research track record and the relevance, quality, and significance of their proposals. Once the Committee finalizes the selection, the programme office (Policy Research Cell, DST) will notify result to selectees via e-mail. The selected candidates will be awarded a fellowship of Rs. 80,000/- (consolidated) in the level of INSPIRE Faculty 5 for the Postdoctoral Fellows and Rs. 25000/- + HRA pm in case of Junior Research Fellows (at par with JRF). Based on the Committee's decision, an amount up to Rs. 200,000/- will be granted annually to the Postdoctoral Fellows and Rs. 50,000/- to the Junior Research Fellows to cover research-related costs and contingency. 

Number of Fellowships: 
  • Junior Research Fellowship 5
  • Postdoctoral Fellowships 5
How to apply: Candidates are required to submit a copy of application in prescribed format available at DST website The envelope should be superscribed with "DST-STI-PFP Application". The application should be sent to Dr. Akhilesh Mishra, Scientist D, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 by speed post. A soft copy of proposal should also be mailed at Last Date of Submission for both (i) & (ii): August 16, 2016. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

New Book | The Modi Doctrine: New Paradigms in India's Foreign Policy | edited by A. Ganguly, V. Chauthaiwale & U.K. Sinha

The Modi Doctrine: New Paradigms in India's Foreign Policy
edited by Anirban Ganguly, Vijay Chauthaiwale, Uttam Kumar Sinha. Wisdom Tree India, 2016, Hardback, ISBN: 9788183284837.

About the Book
States today are far more engaged in diplomacy than ever before, actively building relations with other states to harness their mutual commercial and cultural strengths. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's outlook to global affairs is no different, yet there is a nuanced approach in linking India's foreign policy to domestic transformation. While on the one hand, his policies seek to attract foreign capital, technology and open foreign markets for Indian products, on the other, they are geared towards regional stability, peace and prosperity. All events are texts to be analysed and the authors in this volume do so but emphatically underline that India's diplomacy under Modi has got a go-getting edge, that it is no longer foreign anymore but a matter of public affairs and that with Modi at the helm, India is set to leverage its role and make itself a 'diplomatic superpower'. The nuanced and thought-provoking essays, by some of the most well-respected analysts and practitioners of diplomacy, make this book a must-read for not just professionals and serious readers but for the uninitiated as well. Know more:

Monday, July 25, 2016

New eBook | International Comparative Performance of India's Research Base (2009-14): A Bibliometric Analysis | by NSTMIS, DST, India

International Comparative Performance of India's Research Base (2009-14): A Bibliometric Analysis
by National Science & Technology Management Information System (NSTMIS), Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, New Delhi, India, April 2016, eBook.

Table of Contents
India at a Glance
Chapter 1. Output, Growth, Impact and Excellence
Chapter 2. Collaboration
Chapter 3. Knowledge Transfer
Chapter 4. Top 30 Academic Institutions
Chapter 5. Indian Researchers
Chapter 6. Top 10 Publications with Indian Affiliation

India's Scientific Research Performance: 2009-2013
Salient Highlights (DST Commissioned Study 2016: International Comparative Performance of Research Base - A Bibliometric Analysis, Elsevier, SCOPUS database)
Volume and Global Share of Publications
  • India's scientific research output has shown a significant rising trend over the past few years, research papers publication increased by 68% from 62,955 in 2009 to 106,065 in 2013. In 2013, India produced more research papers than Italy, Canada, Spain, Australia, Korea, Sweden, Singapore and other BRICS countries except China.
  • India's global share in scientific research publications increased from 3.1% in 2009 to 4.4% in 2013. In 2013, India's share in global research output by subject areas was highest in Pharmacology and Toxicology (13.5%) followed by Chemistry (7.1%), Chemical Engineering (6.4%), Material Science (5.4%), Environmental Science (5.4%), Veterinary Sciences (5.4%) and Physics & Astronomy (5.2%). India's scientific research publications grew by 13.9% (CAGR) as compared to 4.1% for the world during 2009-13.
Research Disciplines and National Output
  • India's volume of research publications by discipline was highest in Medicine, Engineering, Physics & Astronomy and Chemistry in year 2013. Publication share in national output by discipline in 2013 was highest in Medicine (20.5%) followed by Engineering (19.9%), Physics and Astronomy (14.3%), Chemistry (14%), Computer Science(13.5%), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (13.1%) and Material Science (12.1%). During 2009-13, high growth rate (CAGR) of research publication was observed in Pharmacology & Toxicology (17.3%), Medicine (16.9%), Computer Science (16.7%), Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology (15.3%), Engineering (14.5%). While Chemistry observed a growth rate of 7.9%.
  • 17,006 papers from India were the product of international collaboration comprising 16% of India's total research publication output in 2013. During 2009-13, India's international collaboration by research publications was highest in Physics & Astronomy (26.7%) followed by Earth and Planetary Sciences (24.0%), Material Science (22.4%), Mathematics (22.3%) and Chemistry (19.1%). India's top 3 international collaborating partner countries in research publications were USA, UK and Germany during 2009-13. India's share of international collaboration in world output increased from 3.3% in 2009 to 3.9% in 2013.
  • In 2013, national collaboration accounted for 32.1% of India's total scientific research output. In 2013, academic-corporate collaboration accounted for 1.2% of India's total scientific research output.  2013, academic-corporate collaboration was highest for Sweden (6.2%) followed by Japan (5.4%), Germany (5.2%), USA (4.7%), Britain (4.3%), Korea (4.1%), China (1.8%), BRICS (1.6%) and SAARC (1.1%). During 2009-13, the academic-corporate collaboration globally was concentrated in subject areas such as Engineering, Computer Science, Material Science and Energy. In case of India, it was concentrated in subject areas such as Computer Science, Chemistry and Pharmacology, Toxicology & Pharmaceutics.
Citation Impact
  • During 2009-13, India registered a citation impact of 0.75, higher than Russian Federation (0.62). Subject area-wise, citation impact was highest in Engineering (0.94) followed by Material Science (0.89), Chemical Engineering (0.87), Energy (0.87). In 2013, citation per paper (CPP) was highest in Chemical Engineering (4.53) followed by Chemistry (4.4), Material Science (3.83) and Energy (3.5). In 2013, India's citation share was 3.4% of the world citations. In 2013, India holds around 3% world share in top 25%, 10%, 5% and 1% of cited papers. This shows that India's growth is quite aggressive at the very top end of the excellence scale.
National Research Institutions
  • During 2002-2014, top 5 research institutions in terms of volume of publication were Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore; Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur; Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi; University of Delhi, Delhi and Anna University, Chennai. During 2002-14, top 100 research institutions include DST's research institutions namely Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata; Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore and Bose Institute, Kolkata. During 2002-2014, DST research institutions fall within 10 of the top 100 research institutions in terms of citation per paper (CPP). The top position being occupied by Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore followed by Indian Association for Cultivation of Science, Kolkata (4th); and Bose Institute, Kolkata (6th).
Prepared by: CHORD (NSTMIS) Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, April 2016.

Market Impacts of Patent Reforms in Developing Countries | by Aparajita Goyal

Market Impacts of Patent Reforms in Developing Countries

Intellectual property (IP) protection is a heavily debated issue particularly in the developing world, as many formerly poor countries have experienced rapid economic growth and now represent potentially profitable markets for innovating firms. Partly because of this growing importance, members of the World Trade Organization were required to adopt the Trade Related Intellectual Property Standards (TRIPS) intended to establish uniform IP standards including a product patent system in all fields of technology. Many developing countries such as India, China, and Brazil have recently begun creating these systems (and these policies are currently being considered in many African countries). As a result, little is known about the effects of these policies in the developing world.

Two recent papers published in the American Economic Review (AER) partially fill this gap by investigating the impact of enforcing stringent patent rights on pharmaceutical markets in developing countries. Economic theory suggests that providing firms with monopoly rights via patents today will result in price increases and an inefficiently low number of pharmaceuticals sold. In exchange for this inefficiency, patents are intended to provide the necessary incentives for the development of products in the future. Many activists and policymakers have decried TRIPS, and protestations have represented fears about the outcome of a textbook product patent system, i.e. one in which foreign innovating firms are granted monopoly rights while domestic infringing firms are immediately pushed out of the market for the length of the patent term with significant increases in the prices of essential drugs.

The widespread perception that TRIPS flipped the patent switch from 'off' to 'on' in developing countries obscures the fact that like many international agreements, TRIPS includes room for interpretation and flexibilities. For instance, patent reform involved regulatory measures such as compulsory licensing (i.e. the ability to force patent holders to grant a license to domestic firms under certain conditions), formal price controls, and the right for domestic firms producing newly patented molecules to pay a royalty and continue their commercial activities. Given the threat of onerous regulations, innovating firms also sometimes preemptively modify their behavior. The mere existence of the additional regulatory tools constrains excessive price increases even without their explicit use. Perhaps as evidence of a fear of compulsory licensing, the maker of Sovaldi recently announced that it would partner with generic drug manufacturers and sell its hepatitis C cure for $900 across 90 developing countries. At that time, the US list price for Sovaldi was $84,000. In addition to the regulatory flexibilities in TRIPS, there may simply be differences between the de jure and de facto operation of product patents for pharmaceuticals in developing economies. Given the lack of a clear theoretical prediction, the net effect of the combination of regulatory features of this reform process is ultimately an open empirical question.
In a new paper (Duggan, Garthwaite, Goyal 2016) we address this open question using a newly gathered dataset of product patents matched to a comprehensive set of longitudinal sales data on all single molecule products sold in the Indian market in the years preceding and for several years after the introduction of the new patent system. Our analysis sample includes more than 6,000 products containing approximately 1,000 molecules. We examine the effects of the 2005 implementation of a product patent system in India on pharmaceutical prices, quantities sold, and market structure.  Exploiting variation in the timing of patent decisions, we estimate that a molecule receiving a patent experienced an average (modest) price increase of 3-6 percent with larger increases for more recently developed molecules and for those produced by just one firm when the patent system began. Results showed little impact on quantities sold or on the number of pharmaceutical firms operating in the market.
The implementation of product patents did not appear to either cause large increases in pharmaceutical prices or dramatic consolidation of the market as was widely predicted prior to its enactment. The relatively small estimated effects could be seen as both good and bad news. At least in the short-term, it suggests relatively few static inefficiencies resulting from an increase in intellectual property protection. This takes on additional significance when one considers that India is also one of the largest exporters of pharmaceuticals – particularly to the developing world. In 2010, India exported approximately $17.2 billion worth of pharmaceuticals. Many of these exports were critical in supplying certain product segments that treat diseases prevalent in markets of Africa, Asia and Latin America—most notably vaccines and antiretroviral drugs for treating HIV.
However, the lack of a large price effect also suggests that there may only be a limited increase in expected profits for pharmaceutical firms. The lack of large profit increases from patents is important for understanding firm behavior with respect to investments in the development of new products. A paper published in the same issue of the AER (Cockburn, Lanjouw, Schankerman 2016), uses data on launches of 642 new molecules in 76 countries to show that patent rights have an important impact on the diffusion of new innovations as well as on the rate at which new innovations are created. This analysis provides evidence to suggest that the pace of new molecule introduction did not accelerate as a result of India adopting a TRIPS-compliant patent system. This could result from innovative efforts not responding to changes in expected profits. The results strongly suggest that the lack of an innovation response likely stems from at best small changes in expected profits. As a result, the small post-patent price increases that have been estimated should not be thought of as a purely positive outcome.

Aparajita Goyal is a Senior Economist in the Poverty and Equity Global Practice of the World Bank.

New Book | Moments of Eureka: Life and Work of Selected Indian Scientists | by Vigyan Prasar, CSIR-NISCAIR & RSTV

Moments of Eureka: Life and Work of Selected Indian Scientists
edited by Gauhar Raza, R. Gopichandran, Gurdeep S. Sappal & T. V. Venkateswaran. Vigyan Prasar, India, 2016, INR 400, Hardback, ISBN: 9788174802835.

Foreword by M. Hamid Ansari, Vice-President of India
When RSTV started the program 'Moments of Eureka', which showcased the life and the work of noted Indian scientists, I was very happy for two reasons. One, that RSTV was taking a step forward in fulfilling its mandate of being a knowledge channel for the country, and two, that the program would highlight and bring into focus the continued contribution of our scientists to nation building,which had not received its due attention. Over the past two years, this program has interviewed over 100 scientists who have excelled in their chosen fields.
The program is intended to inspire the younger generation in celebrating science and exploring a career in science. It brings home the message that for a nation to progress, it needs its brightest minds devoting their attention to solving problems of fundamental as well as practical nature. The program has also highlighted the important role played by our scientific and research institutions which provide the required facilities and congenial environment, enabling the scientists to continue with their work.
Spreading and promoting scientific temper is our Constitutional duty. The phrase 'Scientific Temper' with its current attributes was first articulated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in his book 'Discovery of India' wherein he said that "scientific approach and temper are, or should be, a way of life, a process of thinking, a method of acting and associating with our fellowmen".
The quality and sustainability of the program has been the result of the collaborative efforts of three institutions, namely, CSIR-NISCAIR, RSTV and Vigyan Prasar. The decision to transcribe and publish 53 select interviews of eminent scientists in a book form will increase the reach and shelf life of the ,message that the program seeks to convey. I wish to congratulate and offer my best wishes to all who have been associated with the production of this series and preparation of this publication.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

New Book | Scientifically Yours: Selected Indian Women Scientists | by Vigyan Prasar & CSIR-NISCAIR

Scientifically Yours: Selected Indian Women Scientists
edited by Gauhar Raza, R. Gopichandran, T.V. Venkateswaran, & Kinkini Dasgupta Misra. Vigyan Prasar, India, 2016, INR 150, Hardback, ISBN: 9788174802842.

About the Book
Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology (DST) in collaboration with CSIR-NISCAIR, has developed inspirational film titled "Scientifically Yours" on Indian Women Scientists who have contributed significantly to Indian Science. The films on Indian women scientists are unique one as this section of society has not been sufficiently covered in the country. This is a collective effort of the institutions to bring the women legend scientists on to the centre stage and highlight their achievements and contributions.
A Curtain Raiser of the films was screened in the presence of media persons along with other invited guests from scientific institutions and laboratories. The would help in creating role models for students and researchers especially for girl students and motivate them in pursuing careers in basic and applied sciences. The women scientists of eminence have been identified from various fields of research such as Physical sciences, Biological sciences, Chemical sciences, Immunology, Agriculture etc. The films have been produced in discussion mode at CSIR–NISCAIR studio.
The book presents transcripts of their interviews broadcasted on Rajyasabha Television. The book covers interviews of following Women Scientists:
1.  Indira Nath
2.  Bimla Buti
3.  Manju Sharma
4.  Vibha Tandon
5.  Sumita Saxena
6.  Kasturi Datta
7.  Chandrima Shaha
8.  Rupamanjari Ghosh
9.  Renu Khanna Chopra
10. Charusita Chakravorty
11. Chitra Sarkar
12. Shashi Wadhwa
13. Riddhi Shah

Saturday, July 23, 2016

New Book | Public Health Perspective on Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines: A compilation of studies prepared for WHO | by the South Centre

Public Health Perspective on Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines: A compilation of studies prepared for WHO
by Carlos M. Correa. The South Centre, Geneva, 2016, ISBN 9789291620470.

About the Book: The purpose of this book is to facilitate the elaboration of national health policies and strategies to improve access to medicines, using fully the flexibilities allowed by the WTO's TRIPS Agreement. It includes documents of the WHO written by Professor Carlos Correa and published between 1997 and 2009. As consultant to WHO, Professor Correa helped to initiate and formulate WHO policy perspectives and to provide advice to Member States on intellectual property issues relating to the production, distribution and use of medicines. The content of this book illustrates the pioneer role that WHO played in identifying the public health implications of the binding rules introduced by the TRIPS Agreement.

About the Author:
Dr. Carlos M. Correa is Special Advisor on Intellectual Property and Trade of the South Centre and Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Industrial Property at the Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires.

Table of Contents
Chapter I The Uruguay Round and Drugs
Chapter II Trends in Drug Patenting: Case Studies
Chapter III Protection of Data Submitted for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals: Implementing The Standards Of The Trips Agreement
Chapter IV Implications of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health
Chapter V Implementation of the WTO General Council Decision on Paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health
Chapter VI Guidelines for the Examination of Pharmaceutical Patents: Developing a Public Health Perspective
Chapter VII Guide for the Application and Granting of Compulsory Licences and Authorization of Government Use of Pharmaceutical Patents

Thursday, July 21, 2016

CfP : India-EU Water Partnership Workshop on Water Allocation, Water Economics and Ecological Flows in River Basin Management | New Delhi | 14-15 September

India-EU Water Partnership Workshop on Water Allocation, Water Economics and Ecological Flows in River Basin Management

When? 14-15 September 2016

Where? The Park Hotel, New Delhi.

What? A two-day workshop to analyse water allocation challenges in river basins in India, with special emphasis on Ganga Basin, focusing on key issues regarding related rules and procedures, as well as the consideration of socio-economic and cultural aspects and the role and implementation of environmental flows, within the planning process. The workshop aims to provide an overview on the current status, planned developments and challenges in India, the EU and OECD countries. An outline of European and international experiences will enable the identification of commonalities and potentials of tailor-made adaptation of EU approaches to tackle challenges in India.

Why? The EU Delegation in India, the Ministry of water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and the National Mission Clean Ganga have agreed to develop actions towards the implementation support for the Ganga RBMP. Some exchange on principles of the EU Water Framework Directive already took place at the India-EU Water Forum in November 2015, via briefings in February 2016, and Workshop was developed in June 2016 on river basin management planning and governance.

This workshop will be held in cooperation with OECD and WWF and builds on the previous activities of the IEWP. The top elements to be included in this workshop are:

  1. Setting of agreed targets, rules and implementation procedures for water allocation (between users and territories);
  2. Setting of agreed targets, rules and implementation for the environmental water allocation (environmental flow).
  3. Considering socio-economic and cultural aspects within the river basin planning and management, so that water allocation contributes to sustainable growth and development in India, besides ensuring environmental objectives.

Who? The meeting is targeted to some 50-60 water resources managers at the Union (e.g. NMCG, NWM) and State level, as well as key stakeholders, experts and implementers. 

Please approach the Support Service for further information and if you're interested in participating. This website will be updated as soon as further information is available.

If you are interested in attending the workshop, you can pre-register here. However, this registration is not a guarantee to attend.

Documents: PDF icon Draft programme 20 July 2016

Further Information

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Call for Abstracts: Lives of Data Workshop | 6-7 January 2017 | at CSDS, Delhi, India

Lives of Data Workshop
6-7 January 2017
at Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi, India

Call for Abstracts
'Data' has been recently termed as the new oil, new soil, new world currency and the raw material for the new industrial revolution. It has been hypothesised that the era of Big Data will finally see the 'end of theory'. This hyperbole has it that the new technologies being developed today can produce truth based on computations of large amounts of machine readable digital data. Beyond such deterministic claims, the 'Data Revolution' indeed poses compelling theoretical and methodological challenges in all fields with stakes in knowledge. The present conjuncture, we would argue, is loaded with possibilities for rethinking 'data-driven knowledge' through longer histories of classification, enumeration, quantification, techno-scientific practices, and forms of media storage, retrieval, computational analysis and use.
Scholarship in the emerging field of data studies has established close connections with science & technology studies (STS), and media and software studies. There is now a growing body of work which questions the Big Data hubris and the excesses of the post Web 2.0 digital deluge. 'Raw Data', as Geoffrey Bowker and Lisa Gitelman among others have suggested, is an 'oxymoron'. In the Indian context, concerns about statistics, governance and knowledge, evident in the histories of colonial census, the work of P C Mahalanobis at the Indian Statistical Institute and the Planning Commission, the emergence of scientific computing in the 1950s-60s, government regulation of media, electronics and telecom, provide a vivid background to think about the new technics, materiality and aesthetics of our digital cultures.
In times when Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have passed their initial developmental hype-cycles and mobile phones have somewhat flattened the so-called 'digital divides' (while creating many new ones), the fields of information research in India are grappling with socio-technical reconfigurations of a widening scope and scale. The projections and contestations around our much promoted march towards a #DigitalIndia with the world's largest biometric database (#Aadhaar); a nation-wide digging campaign for broadband connectivity in villages and the building of one hundred #SmartCities; and the intense pursuit of the 'Next Billion' users by a floating array of large technology companies and startups (#FreeBasics, #StartupIndia); have inundated the space for reflection and critique. The many known and unknown lives and after-lives of data in this ecosystem of flux demand description, interpretation, concepts, and – if the data permits – theory.
In the past Sarai has organised workshops on 'Social & Cultural Lives of Information' and the 'Lives of Information', to reflect upon the cultures of information practices and the connections between colonial and post-colonial information infrastructures in South Asia. Continuing our focus on contemporary realities, ICTs and infrastructures, the 'Lives of Data' workshop aims to encourage research on pertinent questions concerning 'data' – its imaginaries, infrastructures, knowledge politics, and techno-science and media cultures in India and South Asia.
The 'Lives of Data' workshop hopes to bring together interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to examine the historical and emergent conditions of data-driven knowledge production and circulation in Indian and South Asian contexts. We are interested in a conversation which dynamically moves back and forth in science, technology and media history and anthropology to reflect upon the many layered abstractions and materialisations of data, information and knowledge.

The key questions which the workshop will explore are:

– What is data? How is it imagined, collected, archived, developed, scraped, parsed, mined, cleaned, used, interpreted, re-produced, circulated and deleted?
– How do we map the relationships between data, infrastructure and knowledge production?
– How do we reimagine data and information through longer histories of statistics, bureaucracy, governmentality and development?
– What are the stakes involved in analysing the ever increasing volume, velocity, variety and value of data? How do practitioners understand the changing nature of their work with data?
– How do we conceptualise the new data publics?

Workshop themes include:
– Histories of State and Statistics, Classification, Enumeration and Planning
– Data Analytics, Data Ontologies, Digital Objects
– Digital Humanities, Computational Social Sciences, Cultural Analytics
– Cultures of Software Engineering and Design
– Data, Memory and Materiality: Archives, Paper/Digital Databases, Warehouses, Data Centres, Server Farms
– Thinking through Digital Infrastructures: Hardware, Code, Meta-Data, Formats, Protocols, Programming Languages, Information Architectures, Algorithms, Apps, Interfaces, Platforms, APIs, etc.
– Data-Driven Urbanism: Geographies of Mobile Computing, Locative Apps and Social Media, GIS, and Smart Cities
– Openness, Transparency and Access to Data/Information/Knowledge. #RTI #OpenData #DNAProfiling #Copyright #Encryption #Privacy
– Platforms as Government: Transnational Networks of Intermediaries and the Flows of Data/Capital
– 'SysAdmin' like the State: Bio-Politics, Surveillance, User/Citizen, Governance, Policing and Law. #Aadhaar #ITact #CyberSecurity
– 'Beautiful Data': Design, Aesthetics, Vision and Visualisation

The Sarai Programme invites submission of abstracts for the 'Lives of Data' workshop. Besides academic researchers, we strongly encourage media, design and software practitioners to apply for the workshop. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words, and should be sent to by 15 September, 2016, with the subject heading 'Proposal for the Lives of Data Workshop.' Authors of the selected abstracts will be notified by 01 October, 2016.
The workshop will be held on 06-07 January, 2017 at Sarai-CSDS, 29 Rajpur Road, Delhi. The Sarai Programme will cover three days of accommodation for outstation participants. In addition, participants from India will be eligible for travel support.

Further Details

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

CfA: Five Day Workshop on "Econometric Modeling: Techniques and Research Applications" | Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra | 22-26 August

Five Day Workshop on "Econometric Modeling: Techniques and Research Applications"
22-26 August 2016 
Organizer: Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir; in Collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES)

TIES feels immense pleasure in inviting you to a Five Day Workshop on "Econometric Modeling: Techniques and Research Applications" in collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES). This Workshop is designed to impart knowledge on Econometric Modeling and its Applications in the context of empirical research. The objective of this workshop is to cover important econometric models and methods for research application. This workshop is intended to introduce participants to the analytical framework of econometrics, the branch of economics that deals with estimation and evaluation of theoretical issues through econometric models. This workshop will not only equip participants with econometric methods and models of data analysis but it shall also delineate the road map for application of these models research data. The workshop will be beneficial to research scholars, academicians, policy makers, industry personnel etc.
Resources persons are eminent and accomplished faculty members drawn from the reputed Universities and Institutions within India and abroad as well as from the Department of Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, as mentioned below:
1. Prof. Kuldeep Kumar, Department of Statistics and Economics, Bond University, Australia
2. Nominated Academician from The Indian Econometric Society (TIES)
3. Expert Faculty members from, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University

The workshop will follow Lectures as well as Hands on Training Sessions with Econometric and Statistical softwares like E-Views, SPSS & R supported by library research. Interested Participants may send their Application along with updated CV to the email id: or on or before 1st August 2016. Selected candidates will be intimated by 3rd August 2016 and they have to be registered by sending their registration fees along with filled up registration form positively on and before 12th August 2016 failing which the opportunity will be passed on to the wait listed participants. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about the Workshop. You may refer to Workshop Brochure for further information.

Dr. Pabitra Kumar Jena, Conference Organizing Secretary, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra-182 320, Jammu & Kashmir, Email: OR, Mobile 09419214167 OR 09797638780

CfPs: 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics & Scientometrics (WIS) & the 17th COLLNET Meeting 2016| 12-15 December | Nancy, France

12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 17th COLLNET Meeting 2016
12-15 December 2016
Nancy, France

It gives us great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome in the 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) and the 17th COLLNET Meeting 2016 which will be held from 12 to 15 December 2016 in Nancy, France organized by COLLNET. COLLNET 2016 will be a excellent opportunity for all including Librarians, Information Professionals, Researchers and Practitioners to share experiences, ideas, research results, meeting and networking on all aspects of webometrics, informetrics and scientometrics. Don't miss out on the many opportunities which will allow you to share your experiences and learn from other professionals. There will be many events, including educational programs, networking events, receptions, vendor presentations, panel discussions and tours. Looking forward to meeting you in COLLNET 2016 in Nancy, France.

The broad focus of the conference is on collaboration and communication in science and technology; science policy; quantitative aspects of science of science; and combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches in study of scientific practices. The conference thus aims to contribute to evidence-based and informed knowledge about scientific research and practices which in turn may further provide input to institutional, regional, national and international research and innovation policy making.

Call for papers
Papers are invited for COLLNET 2016. Please submit extended abstract (3 pages) latest by 15th July 2016 to with a copy to Hildrun Kretschmer at and to Habil, Jean-Charles Lamirel at The conference will consider, but not be limited to, the following indicative theme:
A. Emerging issues in Scientometrics / Informetrics /Webometrics and History
  • Science Policy and Collaboration
  • Science Policy, Collaboration and History
  • Collaboration Studies for Science & Society
  • Collaboration, Knowledge Management & Industrial Partnership
  • Collaborative Bridge between Academic Research and Industry
  • Techniques for Collaboration Studies
  • Visualization Techniques in Collaboration Studies
  • Quantitative Analysis of S&T Innovations
  • Informetrics Laws and Distributions, Mathematical Models of Communication or Collaboration
  • Nature and Growth of Science and of Collaboration in Science and its Relation with Technological Output
  • Evaluation Indicators
  • Collaboration in Science and in Technology from both Quantitative and Qualitative Points of View
  • Informetrics Laws and Distributions
B. Data Management
  • Data Analysis and Data Mining
  • Open Access Management and its Impact
C. Information Technology and Management
  • Information and Knowledge Measurement
  • Information Literacy Program
  • Technology & Innovations in Libraries and Impact Measurement
  • Development and Assessment of Digital Repositories
  • Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Historical and Comparative case studies related to Librarianship

Abstract Submission:
The date for submission of extended abstract (3 pages) has been extended to 15th August 2016. Submit abstratc to with a copy to Hildrun Kretschmer at and to Habil, Jean-Charles Lamirel at

Important Dates
August 15, 2016, Extended Abstract, (3 pages)
August 20, 2016, Acceptance Notification
September 1, 2016, Abstract for Poster Presentation (1 page)
October 15, 2016, Full Paper
December 1, 2016, Registration Deadline
December 12-15, 2016, Conference

COLLNET and WIS History (WIS: Webometrics, Informetrics, Scientometrics), 2000-2015
COLLNET is a global interdisciplinary research network of scholars who are concerned to study aspects of collaboration in science and in technology (see COLLNET web site at: This network of interdisciplinary scholars was established in January 2000 in Berlin with Hildrun Kretschmer as coordinator. Since that time there have been thirteen meetings: the first in Berlin, September 2000, the 2nd in New Delhi, February 2001 and the 3rd in Sydney (in association with the 8th ISSI Conference), July 2001. The 4th COLLNET Meeting took place on August 29th in 2003 in Beijing in conjunction with the 9th International ISSI Conference; the First International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 5th COLLNET Meeting in Roorkee, India, in March 2004. The 6th COLLNET Meeting took place in association with the 10th ISSI Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in July 2005. The Second International Workshop on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics (WIS) and 7th COLLNET Meeting was organized in Nancy, France, in May 2006. The Third International Conference on WIS and Science and Society & Eighth COLLNET Meeting took place in New Delhi, India, in March 2007 (, the Fourth International Conference on WIS & Ninth COLLNET Meeting in Berlin, Germany in July 2008 ( and the Fifth International Conference on WIS & Tenth COLLNET Meeting in Dalian, China, in September 2009 ( Sixth International Conference on WIS & Eleventh COLLNET Meeting took place in Mysore, India, in October 2010,the Seventh International Conference on WIS & Twelfth COLLNET Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in September 2011 (, the 8th International Conference on WIS & 13th COLLNET Meeting in Seoul, Korea, October, 2012, Seoul, Korea,; the 9th International Conference on WIS & 14th COLLNET Meeting, August, 2013 in Tartu, Estonia, September 3-5, 2014 in Ilmenau, Germany, November 26-28, 2015 in New Delhi, India

Monday, July 18, 2016

Intellectual Property and Access to Science| by Carlos M. Correa | The South Centre Research Paper No. 69, July 2016

"Intellectual Property and Access to Science"
by Carlos M. Correa | The South Centre Research Paper No. 67, July 2016.

: The boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge are nebulous in some technical fields, such as the biological sciences and their applications. This has led to the appropriation under patents of knowledge (such as on specific genes) of scientific nature, which may not only have negative effects for the further development of science and new technological contributions, but also encroach on the fundamental right of access to science. The patenting policies adopted by some universities and other research institutions may aggravate this problem. Court decisions in the USA and Australia and some national laws (e.g. Brazil) have limited the possibility of that appropriation, which is still feasible, however, in many jurisdictions. Other measures – such as a well formulated research exception, the limitation of the patent claims' scope, and legislation mandating open access to research results achieved with public funding – may mitigate the effects of the exclusivity granted by patent rights, but more fundamental policy changes may be necessary in order to preserve scientific outcomes in the public domain for free use and follow-on research.

Call for GYA New Members | Join the Global Young Academy (GYA) in 2017

Call for New Members

The call for GYA membership from 2017 is now open. The deadline for applications is 25 September 2016.

Applications are sought from young, independent scholars who combine the highest level of research excellence with a demonstrated passion for delivering impact.

Research fields: The call is open to all scholars working in any research-based discipline, including the sciences, medicine, engineering, social sciences, the arts and humanities.

Excellence: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a high level of excellence in their discipline.

Impact: The Global Young Academy is committed to a broad range of programs around the world to support young scholars, promote science to a broad audience, engage in policy debate, and foster international and interdisciplinary collaboration. Applicants should provide evidence of interest or experience in one or more of these areas.

Age/career point: Applicants should be in the early years of their independent careers. The majority of the GYA's members are aged 30-40 and the typical period from completion of a PhD or similar degree is 3-10 years. Applicants falling significantly outside these ranges may be considered under exceptional circumstances.

Diversity: We encourage applications from all qualified candidates. Applications from women, researchers in the social sciences, arts and humanities, scholars working in government, industry, and non-governmental sectors, and from candidates in regions where the GYA has no current representation are particularly welcome.

Expectations: Each GYA member is expected to attend the GYA Annual General Meeting each year and is also expected to actively contribute to one or more of the organization's programs, which include participation in policy development, promotion of National Young Academies, supporting science and education at the international level. The GYA is an active working group, and being a member requires a time commitment on each member's part. In the event that applicants are selected as new GYA members, they should be available to attend the next Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled for the week of 15 May 2017.

Applications should be completed personally by the candidate and must be accompanied by a letter of support. Application forms and instructions can be downloaded below and should be emailed to


GYA Call for New Members 2016 (PDF)

GYA Membership Application Form 2016 (MS Word)

GYA Selection FAQ 2016


Call for new members 2016

Apply now!

The 2016 call for new members to join the Global Young Academy in 2017 is now open. Applications are sought from young, independent scholars who combine the highest level of research excellence with a demonstrated passion for delivering impact.

See the full call for more details >>

Ludwik Fleck Prize 2016 conferred to Dr Banu Subramaniam for the Book "Ghost Stories for Darwin: The Science of Variation and the Politics of Diversity" | ABDR

This is for your information that Professor Banu Subramaniam (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, US) has been awarded the 2016 Ludwig Fleck Prize (by 4S) for her book "Ghost Stories for Darwin: The Science of Variation and the Politics of Diversity" (University of Illinois Press, 2014). More details are at

Prof. Banu is well known for her work on feminist science studies and has written extensively on that. Her article Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Biologies: Gender and the Promises of Biotechnology published in Asian Biotechnology and Development Review (ABDR) March 2015 issue and a Review of
"Ghost Stories for Darwin: The Science of Variation and the Politics of Diversity" by Clare C. Jen, Denison University,  published in the same issue, can be downloaded from ABDR March 2016 issue.


CfPs | Workshop on "Domestic Water Supply and Governance in India"| 12-13 August | Hyderabad, India

Workshop on "Domestic Water Supply and Governance in India"
August 12-13, 2016
Organizer: Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad, India

Call for Papers
Abstracts (500 words) are invited for a workshop on "Domestic Water Supply and Governance in India" to be organized by Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad in collaboration with India Observatory, London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), London during August 12–13, 2016; under the UGC-UKIERI Programme. The workshop aims to deliberate on availability and differential access to water for domestic usage and to examine the role of institutional arrangements for the equitable and efficient governance of water service delivery in urban and rural contexts.

Travel and accommodation will be borne by the organizer.

Themes of Workshop:
  • Policy context and the institutional changes in domestic water supply in India
  • Water Availability, Access and Water Service Delivery in Urban and Rural India
  • Water Scarcity/insecurity and Unequal Access to Water
  • Domestic Water supply Governance and Institutional Efficiency in Water Service Delivery

Abstracts should reach Dr. Satyapriya Rout, Dept of Sociology, University of Hyderabad by 20th July, 2016 at email: | Phone: 09177982487.

New eBook | 2016 State of the World's Forests - Forests and Agriculture: Land-Use Challenges and Opportunities | by FAO

2016 State of the World's Forests - Forests and Agriculture: Land-Use Challenges and Opportunities
By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, 2016, eBook, ISBN 9789251092088.

Summary: Forests and trees support sustainable agriculture. They stabilize soils and climate, regulate water flows, give shade and shelter, and provide a habitat for pollinators and the natural predators of agricultural pests. They also contribute to the food security of hundreds of millions of people, for whom they are important sources of food, energy and income. Yet, agriculture remains the major driver of deforestation globally, and agricultural, forestry and land policies are often at odds. The State of the World's Forests (SOFO) 2016 shows that it is possible to increase agricultural productivity and food security while halting or even reversing deforestation, highlighting the successful efforts of Costa Rica, Chile, the Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Tunisia and Viet Nam. Integrated land-use planning is the key to balancing land uses, underpinned by the right policy instruments to promote both sustainable forests and agriculture.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Trends in Land-Use Change
Chapter 3: The Governance and Management of Land-Use Change
Chapter 4: Making Room for Forests and Food Security
Chapter 5: Towards Better Governance of Land Use for Forests and Agriculture

CfPs: CSIR-NISTADS National Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Innovation System | 6-7 October | IIC New Delhi

CSIR-NISTADS National Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges for Regional Innovation System
October 06-07, 2016
Venue: India International Centre, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi

Call for Participation

In the modern globalized world, the economic development of a country is premised on its ability to develop, adapt and harness its potential to innovate. Most of the governments in world including India are proactive in initiating policies that would promote a culture of innovation and create institutional mechanisms for exploiting innovation for socio-economic welfare.
India has made a strong commitment for creating an innovation driven economy through novel policy initiatives/national mission programs 'Make in India', Skilling India, Startup India. Given the federal structure of the Indian economy, these critical programs will be successful if innovation culture permeates at the regional level and institutional mechanisms evolve that can help translational efforts.
In this context, CSIR-National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies is organizing a national workshop on regional innovation system and relevant issues. The workshop would consist of a mix of invited and contributed papers along the following themes. The workshop intends to provide valuable insights for policy makers and scholars to underscore the interventions that can strengthen regional innovation system.

Workshop Themes:
  • Innovation System - A National Perspective
  • Indian Regional Innovation System
  • Regional Innovation System - International Perspective
  • Regional Innovation System - Case Studies
  • CSIR Impact in Promoting Regional Innovation System
  • Pressing Problems of India and imperative for S&T Intervention

Key Dates
  • Deadline for submission of extended abstracts July 25, 2016
  • Communication of acceptance of abstracts August 10, 2016
  • Submission of full paper September 15, 2016
  • Conference dates October 06-07, 2016

Format for Extended Abstract: Extended abstract (around 500 words) .should preferably include following subsections (a) Purpose (b) Design/Methodology/Approach (c) Findings (d) Implications (e) Originality/Value (f) Keywords (minimum5)
The papers should not have been published earlier in any form. Authors of the accepted papers will be invited to present their work at the workshop and their expenses on travel, accommodation will be covered by NISTADS. Papers by PhD students below 30 years are particularly encouraged. All submissions should be sent through email at All other communications regarding the workshop should also be addressed through the above email.
Organizers: This conference is being organized under the project ISTIP (Indian S&T and Innovation Policy). This is the first study of its kind focusing on various dimensions of innovation activity in India; aiming at providing valuable inputs for S&T and Innovation decision making.
ISTIP Project Leaders: Dr. T.Jamal; Dr S. Bhattacharya; Dr. S. Pohit; Dr Y. Suman.

Friday, July 15, 2016

New Book | Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook | by Commonwealth of Learning, 2016

Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook

by Adrian Kirkwood and Linda Price. Commonwealth of Learning, Canada, 2016, eBook, ISBN: 9781894975810.



In its Strategic Plan 2015-2021, "Learning for Sustainable Development," the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) introduced a new initiative - Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL). There has been a significant increase in access to technologies, particularly mobile technologies, in developing countries in the past decade, and more educational institutions, teachers and students in the Commonwealth now have access to digital tools and the Internet. However, this increase in access to and use of these technologies is not evenly distributed across all countries, and technologies are not being used to their full potential in some areas. The interventions planned under the TEL initiative will allow more government and educational organisations to "adopt policies and strategies for, and devote resources to, technology-enabled learning for innovation and skills." In order to achieve these outcomes, COL has embarked on several activities with governments and educational institutions to promote policy, technology and capacity building.

The Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook has been developed to assist educational institutions in adopting appropriate policies, strengthening technology infrastructure, building the capacities of teachers, helping learners to take advantage of the available technology and open educational resources (OER) for learning, and undertaking a rigorous approach to the assessment and evaluation of TEL. The objective is to provide both a systematic approach and evidence of improved learning outcomes in a TEL environment. We expect that institutions implementing TEL will use this handbook to gather data for evidence-based decision making. This handbook provides you, our partners, with a strategy to engage in a systematic process of critical thinking, decision making, implementation and reflection not just to promote but also to demonstrate improved student engagement and learning.

I am sure this handbook, along with the questionnaires on technology use by faculty and students and the institutional technology audit, will prove useful in implementing TEL in your institution.

We look forward to your comments and feedback based on your experiences of implementing TEL in your institution. These will go a long way in helping us to revise this handbook to serve the specific needs of different contexts and collaborators.

Professor Asha S. Kanwar | President & CEO | Commonwealth of Learning


Table of Contents


Section 1: Introduction to Technology-Enabled Learning

Introduction | What is Technology-Enabled Learning? | What are the potential benefits of adopting TEL? | The need for clear institutional aims or goals | Learning from the experience of others Avoiding disappointment in the adoption of TEL | Teacher as agent: The crucial role of the teacher in TEL | Significant influences on teachers and how they use technology | How prepared for TEL is your institution?

Section 2: Reviewing Institutional Policies and Infrastructure

The complexity of teaching and learning in large institutions | The interrelationship between the components | The impact on TEL of differing beliefs and practices | Preparing an institutional review for TEL | Some tools to help you undertake an institutional review | Reviewing institutional policies and strategies | Auditing existing resources and infrastructure | Anticipating what additional requirements will be necessary | Creating a Policy Review & Infrastructure Audit (PRIA) Report

Section 3: Developing the Institutional Stakeholders

Engaging academic staff | Demonstrations and hands-on experience | Working in teams to develop TEL materials and resources | Reconciling differences between departments | The importance of good communication flow | Reporting structure | User-group scrutiny of TEL initiatives | Developing a scholarly approach to Technology-Enabled Learning | Valuing scholarly approaches to Technology-Enabled Learning | Evidencing Scholarly Approaches to Technology-Enabled Learning | Engaging Students

Section 4: Developing Institutional Policies and Strategies for TEL

Introduction | Teachers' assumptions about teaching and learning | Students' expectations about teaching and learning | Institutional assumptions about teaching and learning with technology | Adding TEL to existing courses | "Doing things better" or "Doing better things"? | Developing shared understandings and use of terminology | Unintended consequences of technology-led professional development activities | Using external resources for teaching and learning | Exploring the use of OER within the institution | Enabling students to work effectively with external resources | Drafting institutional policies and strategies for TEL

Section 5: Implementing Policies and Strategies

Implementing the technical infrastructure for TEL | Technical training for academic staff | The importance of capacity building and professional development | Academic professional development | Development of students' digital literacy skills | Monitoring and evaluating TEL developments | Conclusion

Appendix 1: Questionnaire on Learner Use of Technology

Appendix 2: Questionnaire on Faculty Use of Technology for Teaching and Learning

Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Survey of Technology-Enabled Learning in Educational Institutions

Appendix 4: Interpretation of Preparedness for Technology-Enabled Learning Questionnaire Results

Appendix 5: TEL Policy Template

Download Full-text PDF (Open Access)